Hey guys, Alright! So as I mentioned I am currently writing a research paper as part of my studies and I now have some working titles. I may of course change them around a bit but for now here is what I've got:
  1. How can graphic designers become more effective in generating new and original concepts and what strategies work best for generating these creative ideas?
  1. What are the most effective ways to for a graphic designer to generate innovative ideas and what strategies have proven successful in enhancing creative thought?
I decided on the topic of strategies for creative thinking because as a designer it can often be difficult coming up with those new and innovative ideas. I know it is something that I could get better at, so I thought why not do some research into what methods and strategies are already out there and which of them work best? My goal in writing this paper is basically to get better at the creative process and also provide some helpful insight to others who are struggling with or want to become more effective in generating unique and creative and designs. 

Here are a few resources I found on the subject in case any of you are interested: 

  • De Bono, Edward (1991) Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step. Harper Collins Publishers
  • Bestley, Russell and Noble, Ian (2011) Visual Research: An Introduction to Research Methods in Graphic Design. Bloomsbury Visual Arts; 1 edition
  • Wenger, Win and Poe, Richard (1995) The Einstein Factor: A Proven New Method for Increasing Your Intelligence. Harmony
  • Sherwin, David (2010) Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills. HOW Books
  • The surprising habits of original thinkers (2016) Video. Located on the Ted talks website. Ted, 2016 [Online] Available at:  https://www.ted.com/talks/adam_grant_the_surprising_habits_of_original_thinkers?language=en  [Accessed: 26 November 2017].


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